
TNReady has become the state’s TCAP test for English language arts and math in grades 3-11. It provides us with detailed information about our students’ progress. The TNReady TCAP tests are designed to assess true student understanding and not just basic memorization and test-taking skills. TNReady will measure student understanding of our current state standards in english/language arts, math, science and social studies.


100% Learning, 100% of the time!

Productivity all day!

100% Learning all the time!

It’s all about:

Vocabulary and Understanding!

Teaching with Urgency!

Some here to learn, some here to teach, all are here!

Build a vocabulary; Read for understanding.

Expectations: Teacher readiness and Student readiness!

Nothing interrupts learning!

Nothing interrupts instruction!

Listen for today’s lesson/challenge!

Time together is to be productive!

We protect instructional time!

To write is to begin, and to read is to finish!

A loss of 5 minutes of daily class time, is 15 hours of loss class time in a school year!

Losing 5 minutes of class each day is 15 hours in a school year!